What is CRUD ?

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CRUD stands for Create, Read, Update, and Delete. These four basic operations are used to manage data in a database or software system.

Create: This operation involves creating or adding new data to a system. For example, adding a new user account or creating a new record in a database.

Read: This operation involves retrieving or reading data from a system. For example, searching for a specific product or retrieving a customer’s contact information.

Update: This operation involves modifying or updating existing data in a system. For example, updating a customer’s shipping address or changing the quantity of a product in inventory.

Delete: This operation involves deleting or removing data from a system. For example, deleting an outdated record from a database or removing a customer account.

CRUD operations are fundamental to many software applications and database systems, as they allow users to interact with and manipulate data within the system. These operations can be performed through a user interface or by using programming languages and database management tools.

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