Visual Studio Code (VS Code) Cheat Sheet

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Visual Studio Code – Boost Your Productivity with Essential Shortcuts and Tips
Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is a powerful and widely-used source code editor that offers a range of features and customization options to enhance your programming experience. To help you make the most out of VS Code and boost your productivity, we have compiled a handy cheat sheet containing essential shortcuts and tips. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer, this cheat sheet will assist you in navigating through VS Code efficiently and accomplishing tasks with ease.

1 . General

  • Ctrl+Shift+P, F1: Show Command Palette
  • Ctrl+P: Quick Open, Go to File
  • Ctrl+Shift+N: New window/instance
  • Ctrl+W: Close window/instance
  • Ctrl+,: User Settings
  • Ctrl+K, Ctrl+S: Keyboard Shortcuts

2. Basic editing

  • Ctrl+X: Cut line (empty selection)
  • Ctrl+C: Copy line (empty selection)
  • Ctrl+↓/↑: Move line down / up
  • Ctrl+Shift+K: Delete line
  • Ctrl+Enter /Ctrl+Shift+Enter: Insert line below / above
  • Ctrl+Shift+\: Jump to matching bracket
  • Ctrl+] / Ctrl+[: Indent / Outdent line
  • Ctrl+Home / End: Go to beginning / end of file
  • Ctrl+↑ / ↓: Scroll line up / down
  • Alt+PgUp / PgDn: Scroll page up / down
  • Ctrl+Shift+[ / ]: Fold / unfold region
  • Ctrl+K, Ctrl+[ / ]: Fold / unfold all subregions
  •  Ctrl+K, Ctrl+0 / Ctrl+K, Ctrl+J: Fold /Unfold all regions
  • Ctrl+K, Ctrl+C: Add line comment
  • Ctrl+K, Ctrl+U: Remove line comment
  • Ctrl+/: Toggle line comment
  • Ctrl+Shift+A: Toggle block comment
  • Alt+Z: Toggle word wrap

3. Useful Extensions


  • CSScomb: Coding style formatter for CSS, Less, SCSS and Saas.
  • Puglint: Linter and style checker for pug.
  • Sass: Indented Sass syntax highlighting, autocomplete & snippets.
  • SCSS IntelliSense: Advanced autocompletion and refactoring support for SCSS.
  • XML Format: Format XML documents.

JavaScript, Node & NPM

  • Import Cost: This extension will display inline in the editor the size of the imported package.
  • ESLint: Integrates ESLint into VS Code
  • NPM: NPM support for VS Code.
  • NPM Intellisense: Visual Studio Code plugin that autocompletes NPM modules in import statements.
  • Version Lens: Shows the latest version for each package using code lens.
  • Vetur: Vue tooling for VS Code.


  • Better PHPUnit: A better PHPUnit test runner.
  • Laravel Artisan: Laravel Artisan commands within Visual Studio Code.
  • PHP CS Fixer: PHP CS Fixer extension for VS Code, php formatter, php code beautify tool.
  • PHP Doc Comment VSCode Plugin: Add phpdoc @param and @return tag for selected function signatures.
  • PHP IntelliSense: Advanced Autocompletion and Refactoring support for PHP.


  • Perl: Code intelligence for the Perl language.
  • Perl Toolbox: Perl Toolbox for linting and syntax checking for Perl.
  • Perl Moose: Perl Moose syntax highlight support for Visual Studio Code.


  • Git History: View git log, file history, compare branches or commits.
  • Gitignore: An extension for Visual Studio Code that assists you in working with .gitignore files.
  • GitLens: Visualize code authorship, code lens, seamlessly Git blame annotations
    and more.
  • Gitmoji: An emoji tool for your git commit messages.


  • Material Icon Theme: Material Design Icons for Visual Studio Code.
  • Palenight Theme: An elegant and juicy material-like theme for Visual Studio Code.
  • Office Theme : A Microsoft Office theme for Visual Studio Code.


  • Better comments: Improve your code commenting by annotating with alert, informational, TODOs, and more!
  • Debugger for Chrome: Debug your JavaScript code in the Chrome browser.
  • EditorConfig for VS Code: EditorConfig Support for Visual Studio Code.
  • File Utils: A convenient way of creating, duplicating, moving, renaming and deleting files and directories.
  • Final-Newline: Inserts a final newline when saving the document.
  • Formatting Toggle: A VS Code extension that allows you to toggle the formatter (Prettier, Beautify, …) ON and OFF with a simple click.
  • Open in Github/Bitbucket...: Jump to a source code line in Github / Bitbucket, Gitlab,
  • OpenChrome: Open file with Chrome.
  • Output Colorizer: Syntax Highlighting for log files.
  • Prettier – Code formatter: VS Code plugin for prettier/prettier.
  • Project Manager: Easily switch between projects.
  • REST Client: REST Client for Visual Studio Code.
  • SVG Viewer: SVG Viewer for Visual Studio Code.
  • Terminal: Terminal for Visual Studio Code.
  • Vue Peek: Allows peek and goto definition for Vue single-file components.
  • VS Live Share: Real-time collaborative development from the comfort of your favorite tools.
  • Wrap Console Log: Wrap to console.log by word or selection.
  • Bracket Pair Colorizer: Allows matching brackets to be identified with colours.

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