What is MySQL ? 

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MySQL is a popular open-source relational database management system (RDBMS) that is used to store, manage, and retrieve data. It is one of the most widely used database systems in the world, powering many popular websites and applications.

MySQL was created by Swedish developers Michael Widenius and David Axmark in 1995, and it was later acquired by Sun Microsystems and then Oracle Corporation. MySQL uses a client-server architecture, where the database server runs as a separate process, and clients connect to it over a network. It supports multiple storage engines, including InnoDB, MyISAM, and Memory, and is compatible with many operating systems, including Windows, Linux, and macOS.

MySQL uses Structured Query Language (SQL) to manage and manipulate data. It supports many standard SQL features, as well as extensions that are specific to MySQL. In addition to SQL, MySQL also provides its own proprietary programming interfaces and libraries for application development.

MySQL is known for its performance, scalability, and reliability, and it is a popular choice for web applications, online stores, and other data-driven projects. It is also often used as the database backend for content management systems (CMS) like WordPress and Drupal.

MySQL Code

Here is an example of MySQL code to create a simple table with a few columns:

CREATE TABLE customers (
   name VARCHAR(50),
   email VARCHAR(100),
   phone VARCHAR(20),

This code will create a table called customers with four columns:

  • id is an integer column with the AUTO_INCREMENT attribute, which means that the value of this column will be automatically incremented for each new record. It is also set as the primary key of the table, which means that each record must have a unique value for this column.
  • name is a variable-length character column that can store up to 50 characters.
  • email is a variable-length character column that can store up to 100 characters.
  • phone is a variable-length character column that can store up to 20 characters.
  • created_at is a timestamp column that will automatically store the current date and time when a new record is inserted into the table. It is set to have a default value of CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, which means that if a value is not explicitly provided for this column, the current date and time will be used.

Once the table is created, you can insert data into it using an INSERT statement, like this:

INSERT INTO customers (name, email, phone)
VALUES (‘John Doe’, ‘john.doe@example.com’, ‘555-1234’);

This will insert a new record into the customers table with the values ‘John Doe’ for the name column, ‘.doe@example.com‘ for the email column, and ‘555-1234’ for the phone column. The id column and created_at column will be automatically populated by MySQL.

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